In a world that often seems to be spinning faster and faster, there’s a growing movement that encourages us to hit the brakes and embrace a more intentional way of exploring the world. This movement is known as “slow travel,” and it’s gaining popularity for all the right reasons. In this blog post, we’ll explore the concept of slow travel, why it’s becoming increasingly popular, and how you can embark on a slow travel adventure to Brazil with Go Together DMC.

First things first

If you find yourself making an extensive list of the places around the world that you want to check off of your bucket list, it may be time to take a step back and think about the reason behind your desire to travel. What do you want out of your travels? A fast and furious tour seeing ‘everything there is to see’, changing locations every 2-3 days? Or do you want to feel like a local, spending leisurely days strolling off the beaten path? If you’re craving a more authentic experience, one that leaves you with a feeling that you truly got to know the places, people and cultures that you’ve encountered on your travels it could be time to s l o w down.

But what is Slow Travel?

Slow travel is a mindset and a way of exploring a destination at a more leisurely pace. Unlike the fast-paced, whirlwind tours that cram numerous attractions into a few days, slow travel emphasizes quality over quantity. It’s about immersing yourself in the local culture, savoring the moments, and forging genuine connections with the people and places you encounter.

It’s hard to pinpoint its exact beginnings but the slow travel revolution—an intentional move towards more mindful, more environmentally responsible, less purely convenient modes of getting around—organically emerged from another revolution. In 1986, a journalist named Carlo Petrini, in the most Italian protest ever conducted, handed out bowls of penne pasta to passersby and demonstrators who yelled, “We don’t want fast food. We want slow food!” The target? A McDonald’s, the first in Italy, set to open at the foot of the Spanish Steps in Rome. The McDonald’s did indeed open, and is still there, but by actively resisting the very concept of fast food, Petrini started what became known as the slow food movement, a culinary practice that emphasizes natural ingredients, traditional cooking methods, and long, languorous meals where food is relished rather than treated as fuel.

If slow food is defined, at least partially, by what it’s not, then the same can be said for slow travel. Slow travel can be best understood as a collective reaction to our post-industrial obsession with convenience, where time, and using as little of it as possible, is the biggest priority in getting from point A to point B. It also means tamping down our own built-in, conditioned obsessions with time and allowing the world to move just a little slower so that we can actually notice it.

Why is Slow Travel Gaining Popularity?

The trend of “Slow Travel” has become increasingly popular over the past years, however through COVID19 it accelerated immensely and has almost become a new norm without people even realising. The crazed race to visit as many places as possible, which was influenced through renowned books like “1000 Places to See Before You Die” or through movies such as “The Bucket List”, is slowly becoming less popular. Slow tourism is forecasted to continue to grow in popularity, becoming an alternative to more traditional holidays with an estimated 10% compound annual growth rate.

Authentic Experiences: Slow travel allows you to delve deeper into the local culture, fostering a more authentic and meaningful experience. Instead of rushing from one tourist hotspot to another, you can spend time connecting with locals, trying regional cuisines, and understanding the unique customs of the destination.

Sustainability: With an increasing awareness of the environmental impact of travel, many individuals are turning to slow travel as a more sustainable alternative. By staying in a destination for a more extended period, travelers can reduce their carbon footprint and contribute positively to local economies.

Reduced Stress: Fast-paced travel can be exhausting and stressful. Slow travel, on the other hand, provides a chance to relax, unwind, and truly enjoy the journey. It’s an opportunity to appreciate the beauty of the journey as much as the destination itself.

Slow Travel to Brazil with Go Together DMC

Brazil, with its vibrant culture, diverse landscapes, and friendly locals, is an ideal destination for slow travel. Go Together DMC, with its expertise in crafting personalized travel experiences, offers unique itineraries that align with the principles of slow travel.

Immerse in Local Culture:

Go beyond the typical tourist attractions and immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of Brazilian culture. Attend local festivals, explore traditional markets, and participate in community events to truly understand the spirit of the place.

Explore Nature at a Leisurely Pace:

Brazil is renowned for its stunning natural wonders, from the Amazon Rainforest to the Iguazu Falls. Slow travel allows you to explore these wonders at a relaxed pace, giving you time to appreciate the beauty and biodiversity that make Brazil so unique.

Connect with Locals:

Go Together DMC facilitates authentic encounters with locals, providing opportunities to engage in cultural exchange and build connections. Whether it’s a cooking class with a local chef or a guided tour by a knowledgeable resident, these experiences add depth to your journey.

Benefits of Slow Travel

Slow travel has many benefits for the traveler and the community that they’re visiting. In a way, it’s a return to the reasons that people had traveled in the past, for a cultural experience or a chance to lose themselves in a new place without the need to document every moment. Here are a few  reasons you should consider travelling slowly:

Avoiding “tourist burnout”:

Have you ever found yourself more exhausted after a trip than before? This phenomenon, known as “tourist burnout,” results from attempting to cram numerous experiences into a short timeframe. The exhaustion can taint your overall perception of the journey. Embrace the local culture’s pace, shift away from a frenetic mentality, and view your trip as an opportunity for personal growth and education. Your to-do list doesn’t have to be fully checked off to deem your travels successful; the unfinished items can serve as reasons to revisit the destination later.

Saving money:

Slow travel often proves to be more economical than traditional touristy excursions. Chain hotels and well-known restaurants tend to be pricier, lacking the charm and authenticity of local establishments. Opting for local Airbnb accommodations or homestays can provide a more connected and transformative experience. Having a kitchen in your lodging allows you to enjoy regional ingredients and cook culturally relevant meals, reducing the need to dine out frequently.

Building connections:

Break free from the confines of a tourist guide and engage with the local community. Learn a bit of the local language beforehand to facilitate brief conversations with shop owners. A casual chat with a bakery worker may lead to learning how to make bread and an invitation to share a traditional meal with their family. Slowing down allows you to make unexpected connections that could positively impact your journey.

Stepping out of your comfort zone:

Slow travel isn’t always straightforward or planned; it demands confidence that things will unfold or be figured out along the way. Embrace the challenges, whether overcoming language barriers or adapting to cultural differences. These experiences will make you a more knowledgeable traveler, offering a global perspective. Unlike the typical tourist experience with translated tours and Yelp recommendations, authentic experiences might lead you to taste a scorpion in China. Additionally, your approach minimizes negative impacts on the local community by avoiding exploitative tour operators, making it a memorable and ethically sound journey.


In conclusion, slow travel is not just a trend; it’s a transformative way to experience the world. By choosing to explore Brazil with Go Together DMC, you can embark on a journey that goes beyond the ordinary, creating memories that will last a lifetime. So, slow down, savor the moments, and let your incentive travel experience be as rich and diverse as the beautiful Brazil itself.

Contact our specialists and let’s craft this incredible journey together.