Have you ever wondered why exactly incentive trips have become such a great way to motivate teams and improve businesses? Taking a closer look at the neuroscience behind the concept can give a good picture of what makes them so effective-and how they can be improved. Here are three things to keep in mind about the ROI of incentive travel.

1. Incentive Travel Programs are a More Powerful Motivator Than Cash

It's true! A study from the Incentive Research Foundation (IRF) found that incentive programs increase workplace performance by an average of 22%, with team incentives able to improve performance by as much as 44%. Moreover, according to a study by Site International Foundation and the Incentive Travel Council, a whopping 96% of employees say they are motivated by travel incentives, and 72% who earn the reward say they feel increased loyalty to the company.

2. Incentive Travel Programs Make Employees Feel Valued As Individuals

Everyone wants to feel special-and incentive travel can do just that. While top performers are likely hesitant to brag about their cash bonuses, winning a spot on an incentive trip is something colleagues can celebrate together, thereby motivating each other through a sense of playful competitiveness and FOMO.

Incentive travel can also be customized depending on the attendees and their individual talents, creating a more personal, authentic experience that strengthens their ties to your company. People want to feel valued and appreciated, especially in the workplace, and rewarding them with a thoughtful trip is an effective way to do just that.

3. Incentive Travel Helps Create a Powerful Internal Culture

According to the Incentive Travel Index survey from October 2022, 91% of organizations agree that-with an increasingly remote workforce-incentive travel has an even more critical role in building engagement and company culture. This can both retain employees and offer a competitive advantage in the hiring process, points out the survey.

This can also be a way to showcase a company's values and foster goodwill. Corporate social responsibility programs, for example, are a common aspect of incentive travel. Incentive travel also gives top performers a much-needed break to relax and recharge-meaning they'll return to the office feeling energized and ready to hit the ground running.

How to Measure the Success of an Incentive Program

Incentive travel is more than just a fun trip to an exotic location. It's a strategic tool that companies like yours are leveraging to motivate teams, boost performance, and create unforgettable experiences.

But let's face it, you're not just planning these trips for fun. You have leadership teams to answer to, numbers to crunch, and ROI to report.

That's where this comprehensive analysis comes in. In this article, we'll dive into the ROI of incentive travel, backed by real statistics and insights, so you can show the real return on investment for your own program.

So, here comes the first perk: how can your business track the success of an incentive program? Well, we surely know that it involves more than just numbers. Before delving into metrics, you must establish clear and specific objectives for your incentive program.

Are you aiming to improve sales, increase employee retention, or enhance team collaboration? Define your goals to align metrics with your desired outcomes. One of the fundamental metrics to monitor is employee participation rates. Low participation may indicate a lack of interest or understanding among employees. Regularly track and analyze participation rates to gauge overall engagement.

Another key point is tying the incentive program directly to performance metrics. Whether it's sales targets, project completion rates, or customer satisfaction scores, align your program with key performance indicators (KPIs) relevant to your organization.

Implement surveys to gather direct feedback from participants. It's highly crucial to understand their perceptions of the program, its impact on motivation, and any suggested improvements. Honest feedback provides valuable insights for program adjustments and helps you to assess whether the incentive program has positively influenced employee retention. High retention rates can indicate that the program is contributing to a more satisfied and committed workforce.

Conduct a thorough cost-benefit analysis to evaluate the financial impact of the incentive program and compare the costs of implementing the program to the tangible benefits achieved, such as increased sales or improved productivity.

By examining the quality of work produced during the incentive program period, you can track the existence of noticeable improvements in the output of individuals or teams. Remember that such quality indicators can serve as a qualitative measure of success.

Setting Objectives and KPIs

As you begin to plan your incentive travel program, you should be setting up key performance indicators and objectives. Creating these clear KPIs and sharing them with the planning team and your executive team will help you keep your incentive trip focused and reporting clear at the end.

We recommend using the SMART method for setting your goals: specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. For example, if your goal is to increase sales through employee motivation, you should establish a specific metric, such as the amount of revenue generated or the number of new customers acquired, and set a timeframe for achieving it.

Also make sure that your goals align with your overall business objectives. For example, if your company's goal is to increase profitability, your incentive program should support this objective. Make sure to clearly communicate the goals of your incentive program clearly to employees, so they understand what is expected of them and how they will be rewarded for their efforts.

Some more examples of objectives for your incentive program include:

  • Participation rate: A high participation rate is a good indicator that your incentive program is engaging and motivating employees.
  • Performance improvement: One of the primary goals of an incentive program is to improve employee performance. You can measure performance improvement by tracking metrics such as sales revenue, customer satisfaction, or productivity before and after the implementation of the incentive program. This can help you determine whether the incentive program is having a positive impact on performance.
  • Cost per reward: You can calculate the cost per reward by dividing the total cost of rewards by the number of employees who received them. This can help you determine the cost-effectiveness of your incentive program.
  • Retention rate: Employee retention is a key concern for many businesses, and an effective incentive program can help improve retention rates. You can measure retention rates by tracking the percentage of employees who leave your company within a specific period, such as a year. If you notice a decrease in turnover after the implementation of your incentive program, this is a good sign that your program is working.

Evaluate ROI

The final step in gauging the success of your incentive program involves assessing the return on investment (ROI). To compute ROI, it is crucial to compare the total cost of the program, encompassing rewards or prizes, against the benefits it has yielded, such as heightened sales or enhanced employee engagement.

During the ROI analysis, it is essential to consider both the immediate and prolonged impact of your program. While certain advantages, such as increased sales, may manifest immediately, others, such as improved employee engagement, may require more time to become evident.

Furthermore, take into account any indirect perks stemming from the program, such as boosted employee morale or reduced turnover. Analyzing the ROI of your incentive program enables you to ascertain its worthiness of investment and make necessary adjustments.

In essence, comprehending the success of your incentive program is a nuanced process, not always straightforward. Justifying an expensive luxury trip amid tight budgets can be challenging, underscoring the importance of tracking goals, costs, and benefits. This approach facilitates informed decision-making about the trip and provides valuable insights for your executive team.


The success of incentive travel trips hinges on the way you strategize and organize them. A well-thought-out plan not only enhances productivity, loyalty, and engagement but also contributes to strengthening company culture and morale. Conversely, a poorly prepared plan leads to a squandering of time, money, and effort. If you're seeking assistance in booking and managing your company's incentive trips, get to know Go Together DMC Brazil.

Reach out to us today to explore our destination plans and the comprehensive support offered by our team of experts.