Fernando de Noronha is an archipelago located off the northeastern coast of Brazil in the Atlantic Ocean. It is a renowned tourist destination known for its pristine beaches, crystal-clear waters, and diverse marine life. Deserted long strips of stand, trekking adventures to get to those dreamy views, Caipirinhas and watching surfers ride the waves, Bossa Nova during sunset, swimming with huge sea-turtles, bikini and havaianas all day long. All of this is possible in this 7km long island.

However, the history of Fernando de Noronha goes beyond its picturesque landscapes.


A quick view of Fernando de Noronha’s history

The archipelago was discovered by the Portuguese in 1503 when a ship belonging to explorer Gonçalo Coelho came across the islands. It was named after the nobleman Fernão de Loronha (or Noronha), who financed the expedition. For centuries, the islands served as a strategic point for the Portuguese due to their location along important trade routes.

During the colonial period, the Portuguese established a small settlement on the main island, Vila dos Remédios, to protect their interests and maintain control over the region. The islands also became a place of exile for political prisoners, and its isolation played a role in the establishment of a prison system.

In the 19th century, Fernando de Noronha underwent various changes in ownership. It briefly fell under Dutch control in the early 17th century and later came under Brazilian rule after Brazil gained independence from Portugal in 1822. The archipelago experienced economic shifts from agriculture and livestock production to fishing and, eventually, hospitality.


But why choose Fernando de Noronha as a destination for an incentive trip?

The answer is quite simple: exclusivity! But we have selected 8 (out of hundreds) reasons for you to consider this unique place as the next incentive trip destination for your team.

  1.  Untouched and Exclusive Atmosphere: With strict visitor limitations in place, Fernando de Noronha maintains an exclusive and unspoiled ambiance. Only a limited number of visitors are allowed at any given time, ensuring that the island remains pristine and uncrowded. This creates a tranquil and intimate setting, allowing you to fully unwind, connect with nature, and escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life.
  2.  Exquisite Beaches: Fernando de Noronha boasts some of the most breathtaking beaches in the world. Praia do Sancho, often ranked among the best beaches globally, captivates visitors with its turquoise waters, towering cliffs, and fine white sand. Other notable beaches include Baía dos Porcos, Praia do Leão, and Praia da Atalaia, each offering a distinct beauty and charm. 
  3.  World-Class Diving and Snorkeling: With its rich biodiversity and protected marine park, Fernando de Noronha offers exceptional diving and snorkeling experiences. The island’s warm waters are teeming with vibrant coral reefs, sea turtles, dolphins, and an abundance of tropical fish species. Adventurers can dive into an underwater paradise, exploring shipwrecks and encountering majestic creatures up close. 


Get to know: The weather in Noronha 

The natives say that Noronha has two seasons: a dry (August to February) and a rainy season (March to July). But being in the rainy season does not mean that it will rain every day – there are sporadic rains and even in this period you will enjoy good days of sunshine. It is good to remember that the rains make the dirt roads get filled with mud and this is a very unpleasant fact for those who need to walk.

For those who enjoy surfing, the months from December to March are good, but January and February are the best, with such good waves that make the island known as the Brazilian Hawaii. Known internationally, Fernanado de Noronha receives an important competition with surfers from over the world. For those who are Scuba divers or prefer a quiet sea, the ideal is to travel in September and October when the sea is calm and the visibility reaches 50 meters.

The average temperature in Noronha is 28 ° C and throughout the year it remains stable. The sea, as well as clean, is always at around 24 ° C. Noronha is warm all year long, so take lots of light clothes, keeping in mind that the wind makes the temperature colder at night. 

  1.  Ecotourism Haven: As a UNESCO World Heritage site, Fernando de Noronha is committed to preserving its unique ecosystem. The island has implemented sustainable practices to ensure minimal impact on the environment, making it an ideal destination for eco-conscious travelers. Engage in eco-tours, visit the Tamar project to learn about sea turtle conservation, or participate in efforts to protect endangered species, all while immersing yourself in the island’s natural wonders. 
  2.  Untouched and Exclusive Atmosphere: With strict visitor limitations in place, Fernando de Noronha maintains an exclusive and unspoiled ambiance. Only a limited number of visitors are allowed at any given time, ensuring that the island remains pristine and uncrowded. This creates a tranquil and intimate setting, allowing you to fully unwind, connect with nature, and escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life. 
  3.  Spectacular Sunsets: With its unspoiled environment and minimal light pollution, Fernando de Noronha offers exceptional opportunities for sunsets and stargazing. Praia do Boldró and Forte dos Remédios are popular spots to witness mesmerizing sunsets, while night sky enthusiasts can marvel at the celestial beauty from virtually any point on the archipelago. Witness the sun dipping below the horizon while casting a golden glow upon the water, creating a truly awe-inspiring and unforgettable experience. 
  4.  Wonderful Accommodations: The accommodations on Fernando de Noronha cater to a range of preferences and budgets. Incentive groups of all sizes and budgets can stay at luxurious resorts, charming pousadas (guesthouses), or even eco-friendly accommodations nestled in nature. Staying on the island provides an immersive experience, allowing visitors to fully appreciate its natural wonders. 
  5. Boat tours and island hopping: Take a boat tour around the archipelago to explore the different islands and rock formations. Some tours include stops for swimming, snorkeling, and even barbecue lunches on secluded beaches. 
  6.  Enjoy local cuisine: Indulge in the delicious local cuisine of Fernando de Noronha and discover the world class renowned Brazilian Northeast gastronomy. Try fresh seafood dishes like lagosta (lobster) and peixe na telha (fish cooked on a roof tile), as well as regional specialties such as tapioca and acarajé. 


Whether you’re setting up a group seeking adventure, relaxation, or a deeper connection with nature, Fernando de Noronha offers a unique and enchanting destination that is sure to leave a lasting impression on your teammates! 

Get in touch with our travel specialists right now and discover our very special conditions, suppliers and logistics for this itinerary. GT DMC will happily set up the ultimate paradisiacal experience for your group in Brazil.