Brazil appears in the 32nd position in the ranking of the most visited countries worldwide, standing out with the highest score in South America. The country has a tourism potential like few other countries in the world. Summer in Brazil there are natural beauties such as the beaches and the largest tropical jungle in the world, the Amazon. In short, we all know that in Brazil there are beautiful landscapes, carnival, samba and caipirinha, but there is some information that you may not know and that you should know before vacationing in Brazil.


With about 200 million inhabitants, Brazil is world’s 5th largest country. Obviously, it takes a large amount of space for such a number of people to settle in. To put it in perspective, here’s a fact: Brazil’s territory spans in 4 different time zones! This means that should prepare your wardrobe for Brazil weather according to the part of the country you are moving to.


There are five different climate areas in Brazil that you should pay attention to when you need to prepare your bags for Brazil weather:


  • Humid Equatorial – high humidity and precipitation; rainforests are located in these areas
  • Tropical – dry weather in winter and very humid summer
  • Semi-arid Tropical – somewhat between deserts and forests, these areas have lower precipitation level than the rest of the country
  • Humid Coastal – located along the cost, summers tend to be hot and humid, while winters aren’t very cold
  • Humid Subtropical – slightly cooler summers than in the cost, while winters remain warm; the level of precipitation changes on a yearly basis


Truth is the Brazilian summer lasts virtually the whole year. Due to the Equator average year air temperature is 77~82,4 degrees Fahrenheit (+27~28 °C). It’s a little bit colder in the South mountainous part, it’s a little bit warmer in the central part, and coastline air is always very humid. Winter differs from summer with the high quantity of rains only.


Summer in Brazil: early December to early March


December is the high season and among the wettest months, especially in the Amazon Basin. Expect hot and humid conditions as summer beckons. Christmas holidays and warm weather push up prices. In January, while the climate can change across its

diverse regions, the average temperature usually hovers at 80F.

 It’s a good time to visit Sao Paulo and Rio with slightly drier weather conditions.


February is one of the hottest months though. The average temperature is usually in the mid-80s, which makes it the perfect time to hit the beaches. Crowds and prices peak for the Rio Carnival, which takes place in February or early March in accordance with the beginning of Lent. In March you should expect warm, humid weather throughout the country as the high season begins to wane. Be prepared for the occasional summer storm. The higher volume of water at this time makes a visit to the Brazilian side of the Iguazu Falls a memorable experience.


Super tips to cool off during a (super-hot) summer in Brazil

  1. Aloe vera to the rescue

Even if sunscreen is aplenty, aloe vera can still bring relief. Use the gel as a daily lotion and enjoy the delightful cooling sensation throughout the day. Best of all, skin gets super-hydrated. Consider adding the aloe vera gel to your spray bottle for a quick on-the-go chill.


  • Get up early to enjoy outdoors

Even in the peak of Brazilian summer, early morning is always cooler than midday or late afternoon, making it the best time of day to plan excursions. Some high humidity locations don’t cool off much overnight. However, in low humidity locations (like deserts and mountains) the difference between exploring first thing in the morning and lazily venturing out midafternoon is huge! It could mean a temperature difference of 10° F or even 20° F! Which has a big impact on how hot you’ll feel during your time exploring.


  1. Coconut water everywhere

Água de Coco is ubiquitous throughout Brazil, so pick one up instead of a beer during the next beach day. If you’re feeling confident, ask for one super gelado (ice-cold) for an extra cool down.


  1. Eat right and light

Heavy foods take longer to digest, but a salad or assortment of fruits will be easier to absorb, and provides more water in a diet. For an added bonus, that sluggish feeling won’t come creeping around after lunch. In Brazil, fruits have very affordable prices and are easily found in all kinds of places: supermarkets, restaurants, juice bars, street vendors. Pack some stacks and stay well fed all day long.


  • Avoid the hottest parts of the day

When traveling to hot and humid locations, a good schedule for the average travel day is:

  1. Morning exploring
  2. Midday cool off
  3. Late afternoon adventure
  4. Nighttime cool off

Whether you retreat back to the cool temperatures of an air-conditioned hotel lobby or just seek ice cold drinks on the patio of a well-shaded restaurant, plan a way to be out of the sun during the hottest part of the day (usually, about noon to 3 PM).


Top 6 destinations for summer in Brazil 2023!


Choosing the best beaches in Brazil is an almost impossible task, not least because there are countless strips of sand surrounded by the sea and spectacular scenery that deserve a visit. The list of the best beaches can vary according to the traveler’s taste, but one thing is true: many of the most beautiful beaches in Brazil are (almost) unanimous and deserve a try! With that in mind, we have listed six top trending destinations for the next summer in Brazil.


Morro de São Paulo – BA

Morro de São Paulo no estado da Bahia

Morro de São Paulo, in Bahia, has space for all types of tourists: from the most party-goers to the most relaxed ones who just want to chill by the sea! The almost inaccessible location (it takes two plane trips to get there) means that only a select public ventures into this paradisiacal place. With its crystalline water beaches and bustling parties, it is common to find tourists from all over the world walking along its cobbled streets.

Ilha Grande – RJ

Imagem do Morro de São Paulo na Bahia

If you haven’t heard of Ilha Grande yet, you don’t know what you’re missing! The place is considered a true paradise in the middle of the sea of Angra dos Reis, on Rio de Janeiro state. By not allowing cars to enter the island, access is only by ferry or boat, departing from Angra. Its paradisiacal beaches enchant tourists from all over the world who gets on the island in search of the best that Brazil can offer: crystalline waters and surreal landscapes.


São Miguel do Gostoso – RN

São Miguel do Gostoso is a municipality located 110 km from Natal and promises to be the next famous summer destination. With deserted beaches, calm waters and a lot of tranquility, the small rustic town promises to attract more and more fans every year (run while there’s still time!) The fishing village is very simple, but ideal for those who want to know an differente and exciting new place without leaving tranquility aside.


Arraial do Cabo – RJ

Arraial do Cabo

One of the most paradisiacal and beautiful destinations in Brazil, Arraial do Cabo, at Rio de Janeiro state and just about a two hour car ride from the Wonderful City, attracts fans of deep turquoise waters and well-preserved landscapes and flora. For those looking for an unforgettable trip, you can be sure that there is the right place. Arraial do Cabo is one of the main destinations in Brazil for scuba diving. Accommodations are simple and cozy. The scenarios? Breathtaking!


Morro Branco – CE

Morro de São Paulo

Scenery of many Brazilian soap operas and films, Morro Branco, in Beberibe, Ceará, is home to the most famous cliffs in Brazil. The main attraction there is the “maze” of cliffs that form due to the action of the wind on the dunes. The walking tour is an incredible experience in the midst of the immensity of its mountains. Its almost deserted beach reveals a rustic and charming destination, ideal for those who want to enjoy incredible natural landscapes.


Maragogi – AL

Maragogi no Estado do Alagoas

One of the most popular destinations for families, Maragogi is a true eye candy. Its crystalline green waters attract lovers of natural and wild landscapes. Whether for its huge natural pools or its rusticity, the place is a true paradise in the northeast. No wonder the region became known as the Brazilian Caribbean!


As said above, the list of possibilities for summer in Brazil is much longer! There is certainly a destination that fits perfectly with the schedule and objectives of your incentive trip program and GT DMC has the best conditions to receive your team and manage everything so that your only concern is to live unforgettable moments. Get in touch with our travel experts at