When it comes to traveling to Brazil, most people think of the vibrant streets of Rio de Janeiro, the lush Amazon rainforest, or the stunning beaches of Bahia. However, Brazil has a hidden gem waiting to be explored – Brasília, the country’s capital. 

Brasilia stands out as a city with several unique distinctions. It is not only the largest UNESCO-protected site globally, spanning 112.25 square kilometers, but it also holds the distinction of being the youngest capital city in the world.

The “Pilot Plan”

Brasilia was born of a crazy bet by the then Brazilian president, Juscelino Kubitschek, faithful to his “50 years in 5 years” program, to bring an entire city out of the country in less than 1000 days. Situated in the heart of the vast plains of “Cerrado,” the savannah typical of inland Brazil, the construction began in 1956. 

The city is organized according to a very strict plan conceived to rationalize the movement of its inhabitants and not to hinder traffic. Called the “Pilot Plan” this cross-shaped structure whose horizontal axis (Eixo Rodoviaro) is curved, forms a shape that looks like a plane seen from above. The east / west perpendicular axis, called Eixo monumental, ends with the famous “Three Powers” square, around which the buildings representing these three powers are organized.

Strolling along the Eixo Monumental – one of the two main perpendicular axes around which Brasilia is organized – or between the buildings housing the administration of the Brazilian government, is a unique aesthetic experience during which you can admire the layout of the lines and ridges allied with the curves and other characteristics of the work of Niemeyer, the architect of Brazilian sensuality.


Oscar Niemeyer vision: Brasilia is an architectural sightseeing 

Oscar Niemeyer, the legendary Brazilian architect, was the visionary behind many of Brasília’s most iconic structures. His extraordinary contributions to the city’s design go beyond aesthetics; they reflect a profound commitment to shaping a new, futuristic capital that embodied the spirit of a rapidly developing Brazil.

Niemeyer’s partnership with urban planner Lúcio Costa was integral to the city’s realization. Their collaboration aimed to create a city that was not just efficient but also visually striking. Niemeyer’s innovative use of curves and concrete combined with Costa’s meticulous urban planning led to the birth of a city that seamlessly blended modernism with nature.

Brasília’s architecture, designed by Niemeyer, captures the essence of Brazil’s cultural and political transformation. It tells the story of a nation stepping into a new era, with a capital that embodies its aspirations. Exploring these architectural masterpieces is a journey through time, art, and politics, and offers a unique understanding of the incredible symbiosis between Niemeyer’s vision and Brasília’s creation.

1. Palácio do Planalto: A Symbol of Modern Governance

The Palácio do Planalto, the official workplace of the President of Brazil, stands as a testament to Niemeyer’s vision for the nation’s governance. The building’s sleek lines and bold use of concrete exemplify his distinctive style. Beyond its architectural marvel, it embodies the optimism of a newly emerging democracy. It was here that Niemeyer’s designs fused with the aspirations of the country’s political leaders to create a symbol of modern governance.

2. Cathedral of Brasília: An Architectural Triumph and Spiritual Haven

The Cathedral of Brasília is one of Niemeyer’s most celebrated works. Its hyperboloid structure is a breathtaking example of his architectural ingenuity. As a spiritual and architectural icon, the cathedral transcends its physical form. Niemeyer, along with the cathedral’s interior designer Claudio Naves, aimed to create a space that harmoniously connected the divine and the human. The result is a sanctuary that engages the visitor both spiritually and aesthetically, demonstrating Niemeyer’s capacity to fuse the spiritual with the structural.

3. National Congress: A Beacon of Democracy

The National Congress, a set of twin towers that house Brazil’s legislative body, reflects Niemeyer’s fascination with curves and flowing lines. These monumental structures are not just legislative centers; they are symbols of democracy and unity. Niemeyer’s design fosters a sense of interconnectedness among lawmakers and the public, emphasizing the democratic principles at the heart of Brasília’s creation.

4. Brasília TV Tower: An Observation Deck to the Future

The Brasília TV Tower offers a bird’s-eye view of the city’s unique urban plan. As a prominent feature of the cityscape, it underscores Niemeyer’s vision for Brasília’s skyline. The tower provides a platform from which visitors can appreciate the entirety of the city, allowing them to connect with Niemeyer’s designs on a grand scale.

Other attractions in Brasília

Brasília’s showcase diversity and offer unique experiences to travelers. Whether you’re drawn to the tranquil beauty of Paranoá Lake, the architectural wonders along the Eixo Monumental, or the cultural richness of its museums and galleries, Brasília has something for every traveler to discover and appreciate.

Paranoá Lake: A Waterfront Oasis: Paranoá Lake is not just any body of water; it’s a carefully engineered reservoir that adds to Brasília’s charm. Designed to regulate the city’s temperature and provide a serene escape from the urban environment, the lake offers various attractions for visitors. You can enjoy leisurely boat rides, stand-up paddleboarding, kayaking, or simply take a lakeside stroll. The scenic beauty is accentuated by a backdrop of modernist architecture, creating a harmonious blend of nature and design.

Eixo Monumental: A Boulevard of Icons: The Eixo Monumental, or Monumental Axis, is the city’s main thoroughfare, flanked by iconic landmarks and government buildings. Along this boulevard, you’ll find the grandeur of the National Congress, the striking design of the Palácio do Planalto (Presidential Palace), and the Cultural Complex of the Republic. Take a leisurely walk down this avenue to marvel at the city’s architectural marvels and gain a deeper appreciation of Brasília’s symbolic significance.

Jardim Botânico de Brasília: A Green Oasis: The Jardim Botânico de Brasília, or Brasília Botanical Garden, is a haven for nature enthusiasts and those seeking tranquility. It’s not just a garden; it’s a carefully curated collection of native and exotic plants, designed to educate and inspire. Stroll through themed gardens, explore walking trails, and embrace the peaceful ambiance. You’ll encounter diverse flora, a soothing waterfall, and perhaps even some local wildlife.

Ermida Dom Bosco: A Panoramic Vista: Ermida Dom Bosco, a picturesque church perched on the shores of Lake Paranoá, is renowned not just for its spiritual significance but for its panoramic views of Brasília. The church’s architectural simplicity contrasts with the breathtaking sunset views it provides. Visitors can climb to the top and witness the city’s skyline in all its glory, making it a perfect spot for reflection and photography.

Museums and Galleries: Cultural Treasures: Brasília boasts a vibrant art scene with numerous museums and galleries that showcase Brazilian art and culture. Explore the impressive collection of contemporary and indigenous art at the National Museum. Dive into the history of the country at the Museum of the Republic. For a more intimate artistic experience, visit local galleries, which often feature works by emerging artists. These cultural institutions provide a deeper understanding of Brazil’s rich heritage and creative spirit.

Incentive Travel Groups: Why Choose Brasília?

Brazil’s capital is a destination that seamlessly combines education, inspiration, and relaxation, making it an excellent choice for incentive travel groups looking for a unique and enriching experience.

With its modern and well-developed infrastructure, with several accommodation options, transport and facilities for meetings and events, the city stands out for incentive travel groups. Also, the people of Brasília are known for their hospitality and openness, which can create  more welcoming experience for incentive travel participants.

Go Together DMC Brazil can help you discover the city’s hidden gems, organize exclusive tours, and create a tailor-made itinerary for your incentive travel group. Embrace the unique charm of Brazil’s capital and explore the legacy of Oscar Niemeyer in this modernist masterpiece.