A scenario of incredible biodiversity, the Brazilian Pantanal, the largest floodplain on the planet, is the harmonious combination of water, fauna, flora and warm people. Located in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, the Pantanal is today one of the most sought after Brazilian destinations. In all of the municipalities within the Pantanal area, visitors will find excellent infrastructure to meet the most diverse requirements.

Visitors can expect moments of great beauty and adventure. It will certainly be possible to enjoy the flight of herons, tuiuiús and spoonbills, see the colors of the macaws and toucans, be enchanted by the walk of the marsh deer, capybaras and giant otters, listen to the howler monkeys sounds, admire the anacondas and caimans and if lucky, see a jaguar. Whether riding a horse or a 4×4 truck though the rivers, all tours are made in locations with wild flowers, lush vegetation and water. Unforgetable moments – whether relaxing at the sunset reflected in the waters of the lagoons and salt flats, savoring the delicious cuisine or trekking in the jungle – awaits at Brazilian Pantanal.

Most farms, hotels and inns in the region offer excellent infrastructure and tourist services, as well as being extremely focused on ecological awareness and maintenance of the local culture. The place is also a paradise for fauna and flora observers and photographers. The Brazilian Pantanal is directly influenced by three biomes, which are the Cerrado, the Amazon and the Atlantic Forest . Thus, it presents a rich diversity of species, such as:

  • 132 species of mammals
  • 85 species of reptiles
  • 463 species of birds
  • 35 species of amphibians
  • 263 species of fish

An ecological refuge

One of the main destinations at Pantanal wide range of accommodations is the Caiman Eco Refuge. A stay provides the chance to immerse in one of the most breathtaking scenery on the planet. Once in Caiman, it is up to the visitor to indulge in a season of great emotions led by nature. From meals to experiences, every detail is designed to provide days away from any worries. The stays include meals inspired by the cuisine of Brazilian homes, which seek to value regional ingredients grown by local communities and projects, as well as items harvested in the complex’s own agroforestry.

The daily rates also include a series of activities to contemplate the fauna and flora of the Pantanal, all accompanied by bilingual guides (English and Portuguese), mostly biologists, and field guides, natives who are true experts in the region. The list of attractions is huge, but the highlights are:

  • Off-road safari: Board open cars to discover different scenarios in search of the wildlife of the Pantanal.
  • Night Focus: accompanied by the silence of the forest, discover the nocturnal habits of animals such as ocelots, anteaters, jaguars and caimans in an exciting tour.
  • Canadian Canoe: Glide leisurely through the bay and enjoy watching the Pantanal sky change color in a surprising way – the landscape is unforgettable!
  • Hyacinth Macaw Institute: Experience an adventure monitoring the hyacinth macaw nests scattered throughout the refuge, accompanied by the biologists of the Hyacinth Macaw Project.
  • Bicycle tours: There is nothing like walking around and enjoying the Caiman landscape from another point of view, discovering different scenarios of this refuge. Take the opportunity to make incredible records of our fauna.
  • Bird watching: An immersion in this universe guided by experts. Our “birdies” show the biodiversity present in Caiman: about 350 species have been found!

4 Interesting facts about the Brazilian Pantanal

  • World Biosphere Reserve

The Pantanal composes a total area of 250 thousand square kilometers, with most of it in Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul Brazilian states, and the rest divided between Bolivia and Paraguay. To reach the gigantic size of its territorial extension, it is necessary to join four European countries, such as Belgium, Switzerland, Portugal and the Netherlands. The Pantanal is also the largest wetland in the world, being declared by UNESCO, in 2000, as a World Biosphere Reserve. The title is consistent with the abundance of species and water, receiving billions of liters per day from rivers such as Paraguay — the 8th largest river in South America — which bathes 4 countries: Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina.

  • Amazing species

The Brazilian Pantanal is also a stronghold for species that are at risk of extinction, but numerous conservation projects have managed to protect at least some of them. One of the cases is the hyacinth macaw, which today is already starting to leave the risk list.

Another famous species found there is the jaguar. Being the third largest feline in the world and the largest on the American continent, the jaguar is extinct in the United States and its population in Brazil is also small and threatened. With its illegal hunting and the human occupation of its natural habitat, the Pantanal becomes a refuge for the species.

  • High season

The high season in the Pantanal runs from June to September — when it rains less, the waters are lower, the temperature is cooler and the nights are starry. Therefore, it is the best period to enjoy and appreciate the beauty of the place. This is the time for those who like to fish, as the activity is prohibited from November to February due to the piracema, the spawning season, time of migration and reproduction of fish.

PLUS: How the Brazilian Pantanal works throughout the year

October, November and December: Birds preparing to leave the nest, concentration of small birds, dry rivers and vegetation, hot weather, flowers in the water hyacinths and a beautiful sunsets.

August and September: Period of birth of the young in the nests, much drier rivers, lilac and pink colors in the Ipê trees, good period for fishing, no rain, dry vegetation, many reptiles to be seen outside, sudden changes in temperature.

May, June and July: Ebb period (transition from “flood” to “drought”). Season very rich in birds, reptiles and small alligators. Colder nights and dry days.

March and April: Flood period, rich in flora (mainly aquatic plants), beautiful landscapes, concentration of mammals, early arrival of birds, hot weather at the end of the day, long days, more rain.

January and February: Period of the floods. Boat trips are the strong point to contemplate all the flora of the Pantanal and admire beautiful landscapes.

  • Speaking of it … Discover the best hotel boats!

In the immense watershed of the region, the hotel boats take their guests on an experience of immersion in nature through the mysterious Pantanal waters. With complete hotel structures, the accommodations offer activities aimed at nature ecotourism, with a focus on sport fishing and contemplation tourism.

At boat hotels like Kayamã (the first hotel boat with elevator access to all floors, two cabins adapted to accommodate passengers with physical disabilities or reduced mobility, and a water and sewage treatment center) and Peralta, two of the most renowned in the region, guests will also enjoy all the conveniences of a cruise. To make the trips even more pleasant, both hotel boats offer living areas in the internal dependencies, bar and outdoor deck pool, gym, panoramic restaurants with special local menu, indoor rooftop lounge, full air conditioning system, wi-fi and much more. 

GT DMC has the best itineraries and partners for your team to explore the beauties of the Brazilian Pantanal with all comfort and safety. Access the link and contact us right now!