Go Together, your Brazilian Marketing and Incentive Travel agency, is launching a brand new branch: the Go Together DMC Brazil. Specialists in incentive marketing in the Brazilian country, the brand recognized for promoting unique experiences and capable of transforming the way your company thinks about employees rewards programs, now offers a new possibility to its customers and travelers: getting to know the best of Brazil!

With an approach totally oriented on offering the best of this diverse country, we provide experiences of leisure, knowledge and cultural immersion, as most people have never imagined. And how is that possible? Go Together DMC Brazil has in its DNA the love for Brazilian culture, for its stunning landscapes and for all the best that the Brazilian people have to offer – hospitality and friendliness! DMC Brazil was born, therefore, with the important mission of showing the world a new way of living experiences in Brazil, delivering unique and personalized itineraries for all types of company groups.

Go Together DMC Brazil has all the expertise needed to present a Brazil that is much more than soccer, samba and caipirinha (although these three unmissable aspects will never be left out!). Curious? Learn more about our portfolio and business model!

What is Go Together?

Go Together is an incentive marketing company, i.e. specialized in planning and developing experience strategies that create value for employees, partners and audiences of the client brand. The goal is to make this entire chain of people feel proud to work for the company in question, or to be associated with it.

But for this to be possible, it is necessary, first of all, to deeply understand the mission, values and parameters that creates the customer’s identity, helping them to choose the best rewards options. The idea is to delivery projects can be seen as unique and which helps to consolidate the target audience perception of the brand, thus strengthening the relationship between the brand and its partners.

At the same time that it works as a source management strategy to attract and retain talent, incentive marketing encourages teams to achieve goals, enhance brand value internally and strengthens bonds. In the long term, these continued actions can provide big improvements in the work environment and, thereby, strengthen the brand image.

A striking feature of Go Together DMC Brazil is the mindset that, in our travels, we do not drive passengers, but special guests. Therefore, we suggest destinations and activities according to the profile of each group, with options for experiences and brand customization, creating an even greater bond between guest and company.

How does DMC Brazil works?

DMC Brazil is a company of the Go Together group, focused on selling unique and personalized experiences within our country to the foreign public. Our agency profile is a DMC Boutique agency, a company with direct service and without unnecessary bureaucracy, which seeks to thoroughly understand the needs of the client brand and to provide each solution with agility and exclusivity. We are a 100% Brazilian company and we know the best tourist opportunities that Brazil has to offer – this way, we can develop itineraries with very authentic experiences, based on quality and identity.

A continental country like Brazil offers a wide range of options for destinations, able to please different audiences. There are thousands of kilometers of beaches, forests, historic cities, mountain towns, canyons, urban and cosmopolitan metropolises and much more. Go Together DMC Brazil was born precisely with the purpose of thinking up itineraries that privilege the most differentiated aspects of each of these tourist spots.

To make this possible, we create commercial ties and partnerships that value, in the first place, the local culture, that respect the residents and privilege suppliers and local labor. In addition to promoting unique experiences for our guests, we always keep in mind the other end of the chain: the people who work tirelessly to make Brazil a plural country in every way.

DMC Brazil is committed to delivering the best solutions for incentive travel projects in Brazil, with humane and uncomplicated service from start to finish.


But what makes DMC Brazil different from other agencies? Our service history in incentive marketing. Thanks to the experience of Go Together, we are a DMC that knows how and where to apply the key tools for a successful travel campaign. Thanks to a team of renowned and experienced professionals, who work directly and daily with the main project managers of the client, we are able to think from the buyer’s point of view and develop projects focused on results. A dedicated, humane service, at a competitive price and with excellent experiences, designed and shaped according to your briefing: this is our business card.

DMC Brazil is born from the experience and knowledge of Go Together, in addition to having a great relationship with several DMCs around the world. Within the international parameters of the best DMC boutiques, we offer personalized experiences in Brazil, exclusivity, security and adequate solutions for each profile.

The result? Memorable trips through our country, getting to know the best that Brazil and Brazilians have to offer, whether on itineraries that explore our nature, or strolling through our festivities, culture and exclusive hideaways.


There are countless experiences offered by DMC Brazil. Get to know some:

  • Nature and ecotourism: the rich Brazilian nature is a huge source of resources for the country and promotes international recognition . Brazil was the main destination by around 19 million foreigners in the last three years, says the Brazilian Ministry of Tourism and, according to the data, 18.6% of these tourists left their homes in search of paradisiacal scenarios, with unique views that only a country with one of the biggest biodiversity in the world can offer;

  • Paradise beaches: Brazilian beaches are known all over the world and inhabits the dreams and imagination of millions of tourists around the planet. Our experience within this area is quite diverse, with beaches for all tastes, from large resorts to deserted beaches known only to the lucky few and exclusive;

  • Cultural and social: The large number of ethnicities generates a social environment in which the people absorb pluralism, respect for differences and the exchange of experiences. Such peaceful coexistence results in versatile and original cultural manifestations. Brazil’s cultural richness and typical festivities are an attraction in their own right. In each of our regions, there is history, art and ancestry waiting to be known and unveiled. Diversity also sets the tone in the rich architectural collection, from colonial baroque to the modernism of the federal capital, Brasilia;
  • Adventure: from North to South, there are incredible itineraries full of adventure and adrenaline. Abseiling in big cities, trails in unexplored forests, cycling, rafting and much more, with all the structure and security capable of creating unforgettable memories;
  • Couples and SPA: Resorts and SPAs are the perfect choice as a destination for honeymoon trips, to celebrate special occasions or just to step out of routine. In addition to the privileged location, the most romantic resorts and SPAs in Brazil offer services designed for couples, and exclusive locations on magnificent beaches or mountains can make yours a trip to remember forever;
  • Gastronomy and wine tourism: Where there is cultural diversity, there is bound to be culinary diversity. The Brazilian people celebrate food and, like many cultures around the planet, present it as a form of cultural expression, a celebration of our roots and a way to keep them alive. Beyond local cuisine, Brazil is also home for several star rated Michelin Guide restaurants, as well for regions that produce world-renowned wines. In fun gastronomic tours, it is possible to taste some highlights of Brazil, such as brigadeiro, cachaça, local beer and pão de queijo.

DMC Brazil agency is an unparalleled agency and offers experiences completely different from everything you used to think. We can promote unique and memorable experiences throughout our country. Now that you know DMC Brazil better, how about exploring the vast universe of possibilities that our country presents? Visit our company’s website and discover right now!