Brazil is such a huge country, with so many different types of biomes, that, obviously, it also has a huge set of climatic features. So, it is possible to enjoy a very peculiar winter in the same country that records such high temperatures during summer. In fact, winter in Brazil have very little in common with the chill that accompanies the drizzle in São Paulo, or the cold breeze that sometimes blows even on the beaches of the northeast. Few people know, but winter in Brazil can record temperatures below zero and it is even possible to see some snow. Many cities experience a huge flow of tourists during winter in Brazil, like these three listed below. During this time, the further you go south, bigger are the chances to find a very different Brazilian experience.

Campos do Jordao, Sao Paulo

Visiting Campos do Jordao is to be in contact with a luxurious nature and one of the best climates in the world. This Serra da Mantiqueira city, in the state of São Paulo, has a privileged location, being also close to other state capitals like Belo Horizonte and Rio de Janeiro. Almost 1,700 meters high, Campos do Jordao has pine trees, waterfalls and many flowers. The silence, broken only by the birdsong, is an invitation to meditation. Enjoy relaxing moments, forget about stress and let your imagination wander. 

The European architecture, the cold climate and the excellent infrastructure satisfies all kinds of visitors and Campos do Jordao is known as “Brazilian Switzerland”. There, travelers will find exquisite accommodation, gastronomy, shopping, cultural and leisure events that, added to the natural landscapes and the mountain tranquility, definitely contributes to a perfect winter in Brazil. Campos do Jordao is a refuge to be seek all year round. According to the season, the city offers everything from the usual horseback ride to the most sophisticated itineraries, such as cultural events and Michelin starred restaurants.

  • Golden tip: Between July and August, the Parque das Cerejeiras [Cherry tree Park], about 8 km from the city center, is a mandatory stop. This is the flowering period, when the trees are full with its delicate pink flowers.

Petropolis, Rio de Janeiro

Petropolis is a charming city, full of history, located in the mountainous region of the state of Rio de Janeiro, next to the Serra dos Órgãos State Park, therefore surrounded by beautiful mountains, which offers a fantastic view of the city and also provide a quite different climate from other regions nearby. Petropolis has milder temperatures all year round, but in winter usually around 10 C and, in the summer, thermometers rarely exceed 30 C.

The neighbor municipality of Teresopolis, which also usually attracts many visitors seeking a place to escape Rio de Janeiro’s heat and enjoy lower temperatures. Petropolis is also very close to the state capital, about 68 kilometers from Rio de Janeiro, which makes it an excellent place to spend the weekend, enjoying the beautiful landscape and the lovely chill.

Petropolis at winter in Brazil

In winter, the city is usually full of tourists, mainly couples, adventure enthusiasts (the city has plenty ecotourist options), or families interested in some good cuisines and resting in a quiet place.

Petropolis is also historic city and even its name refers to the period in which the Portuguese Royal Family, in Brazilian colonial times, used to spent holidays there. Even today, many historical buildings remain preserved, making Petrópolis a very interesting destination for a cultural immersion. On a typical atmosphere of winter in Brazil, a day in Petropolis must have a walking tour to its centenary mansions, such as the Imperial Museum, the São Pedro de Alcantara Cathedral and the Teatro Municipal D. Pedro. At night, restaurants, bistros and breweries offer the best of local cuisine, with strong German and Alpine influences.

Gramado, Rio Grande do Sul 

Gramado is the main city of Serra Gaúcha and undoubtedly one of the most sought-after tourist destinations in Brazil. Romantic, charming, culturally rich, with beautiful landscapes, attractions and great cuisine, Gramado pleases almost everyone. Considered the tourist capital of Serra Gaúcha, the city is located about 130 km from Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul state, and stands out for offering a tourist structure quite superior than any other capital in Brazil.

Gramado grew through tourism and, together with the neighboring municipality of Canela, offers beautiful landscapes inside and outside its urban center. Be there at the time when the hydrangeas bloom, in winter, or during the Christmas period, when the city is covered by an intense commemorative lighting, is always an unforgettable experience and a good chance to enjoy the best of the winter in Brazil.

Three must-see attractions in Gramado

  • Rua Coberta

Originally called Rua Madre Verônica and one of the biggest points of interest in Gramado, Rua Coberta [Covered Stret] is located in the heart of the city and in front of the Palácio dos Festivais, where the Gramado Film Festival takes place. The street gained a roof and its decorated with beautiful hanging plants. At Rua Coberta and its surroundings, there are several restaurants, bistros and shops, as well as numerous live music performances. This is the real meeting point of Gramado.

  • Winter in Brazil: Ravanello Winery

Gramado is also part of the wine tourism itinerary of Rio Grande do Sul. A good option for those who want to learn more about the world of wines, and to taste them, is the Ravanello Winery. They offer a very interesting and informative guided tour, which passes through vineyards, the internal area where the entire production process is carried out and ends in a room where the winery’s labels can be tasted with local produced cheeses. 

  • Lago Negro [Dark Lake]

With an area of almost 90,000 m² and a beautiful landscape, Lago Negro is a perfect place to enjoy a late afternoon and enjoy all the nature around. The place has a very interesting history: in 1942, a fire burned most of the trees and left the place almost lifeless. The site was reforested in 1953 and a huge artificial lake with dark and deep waters was created, totally inspired by the environment of the Black Forest, in Germany.

How about discovering a Brazilian weather that few people know? GT DMC Brazil has everything ready to offer a unique winter in Brazil for your team. Follow the link and contact us right now.