Working closer to the client; understanding their needs and objectives; analyzing data in detail; using it strategically to offer a highly specialized and personalized service in order to guarantee the so-called ROI (Return on Investment). These are some of the advantages offered by a boutique DMC, a new service profile that emerged in the digital marketing segment that is now sprawling to other segments, such as incentive tourism. But to understand how boutique agencies work, we first need to understand the operation of DMC agency in general terms.

What does DMC Boutique mean?

The acronym DMC corresponds to the term Destination Management Company, that is, a company inserted in the local tourism of a specific city or country, which is in charge of helping another company that wishes to carry out corporate events and incentive trips. This type of company has great knowledge about a particular region, and therefore, has the resources needed to absorb new touristic demands. DMCs are able to help incentive agencies and corporate event agencies to create unique experiences for their customers.

The trend emerged in the 1960s in the United States, demanded by companies who needed planned meetings and conventions with personalized activities. In the beginning, these professionals were called “land operators”, small entrepreneurs taking care of only one destination and offering simple services to small groups.

It was in the economic boom of the 1980s that many of these companies really thrived as they expanded their roles in the corporate travel segment. After that, many DMCs emerged in various places around the world and some suppliers such as decorators, transportation companies and hotels started to carry out such services as well.

Generally speaking, DMCs Boutique are similar to event planners, for the corporate world.

What is a DMC boutique?

As in the fashion business, the term boutique refers to an exclusive service, in which the agency, whatever be the service provided (communication, marketing, digital marketing, tourism, etc.) works strategically for a very small clients portfolio. Here, the amount of sales is not enough to be seen as a result, but also quality. Boutique DMCs also provide detailed plans of action and they must be done in line with the client’s characteristics and expectations.

In boutique branches, a greater flow of resources (financial, time, specialized human capital) is available, as well as innovative tools to help achieve the best results. 

DMC boutique: what are the benefits for the customer?

Destination Management Company, also known as DMC Boutique, is a company that provides services, resources and specialized expertise in local knowledge for events, activities and tours for other companies. GT DMC is a 100% Brazilian company, focused on delivering the best solutions for travel projects in Brazil, with close, human and differentiated service, exactly as you would expect from a boutique service. With GT DMC it is possible to assemble a strategic and totally differentiated business plan for your company, seeking solutions that fit the profile of employees and meet customer satisfaction goals. Here are some of the benefits of scheduling an incentive travel plan with a boutique agency:

Strategic business model

You may be wondering: what is the difference between a small DMC and a boutique DMC? They may be similar, but there are differences in their business models. In summary, while a small agency has a lean structure, either due to lack of capital to invest in a larger business, or because it is in its initial phase, a boutique agency is a strategic business model. It serves a few clients exclusively, focusing on intelligence and offering a highly personalized action plan.


The client has greater flexibility to manage the stages of the entire project, from planning to reaching the goal, but, above all, during its execution. The needs of an incentive travel operation can be quite complex and smaller boutique-style agencies tend to have more expertise to meet this type of demand.

Well-defined internal processes

In short, the DMC boutique model enables defined internal processes, thus delivering more agility in business and customer services. In this way, the team is often chosen strategically to think about important customer decisions. So, it’s easier to trace the agency’s routine to meet different project styles. Thus, the agency gains in time and credibility, giving confidence to the client. Nothing better than a team that delivers that important project on time, after all.

Agility in processes

A boutique DMC is smaller in size and has a leaner staff. Consequently, it has a smaller chain of command. This means that any change in strategy can be made faster. It becomes much easier, for example, to manage some kind of crisis or deal with a dissatisfied customer.

less bureaucracy

Bigger agencies have complex structures, whether hiring, process, meetings or project approval. All this bureaucracy ends up making the work more time consuming. In this way, when hiring a DMC boutique, instead of dealing with several account managers, you can dialogue directly with the professionals who serve your brand, streamlining projects and approvals.

Closer proximity to the agency

The idea of a boutique agency is to create an informal and very accessible dialogue. The client can speak directly with those who make crucial decisions within the agency, making the tone less formal and, consequently, improving the relationship.


More extensive, full-service DMC’s will usually deploy the same strategies and methods with each of their clients. They rely on time, and if they see one marketing test work well, they will use it for every customer they take on. On the other hand, boutique agencies do not take advantage of time trials. Because there is no set way to do things in a DMC plan, the specialists can brainstorm new ideas for each client.

What are the functions of a DMC Boutique?

This type of business model is responsible for routing incentive trips and corporate events, which involves issues such as planning the entire scope of actions during the contracted period. The coordination of these events proposes strategies related to transportation, accommodation, meals, entertainment and other aspects of the schedule.

It is as if the DMCs were specialized consultants in practically all the programming inherent to the city in which they are inserted, aiming to provide the main tips for the client and the group so that everything can be done.

The functions will be very different according to the needs of the event planners, the stipulated schedule and the period to which the event will take place, considering that all the details need to be checked to avoid gaffes. The main purpose is to present a destination that visiting managers had no idea existed and shape a positive image.

What are the main benefits of hiring a DMC?

The wide range of services and the notorious knowledge of the region provide DMCs a high bargaining power with local suppliers, which results in first-rate commercial agreements to make unforgettable events. In general, these types of companies have qualified professionals who are attentive to the details of the city, which makes everything easier when planning an event. From helping your group renting a car, to providing detailed support of a particular attraction.

When the services of such companies are available, you can have the peace of mind of closing good contracts with companies aiming to bring together their employees in a perfect occasion: unforeseen events are minimized by having the know-how of those who understand the subject so well. DMCs will be key to getting the best prices, giving valuable tips and ensuring that everything is as expected.

In addition, if most visitors do not have an accurate knowledge of a particular language,  This asset increases the confidence of event planners and increase sales for a specific destination, allowing touristic demands to be met.